ASESA ELECTRONICS PVT. LTD. is one the leading company in electronic components. Asesa Electronics is a distributor & importer of all types of electronic components and supporting our customers globally.. We're committed to support our customers in their regular requirements for all kind of electronic components as well as we also managing in all kind of shortages of electronic components, mass production and regular requirements. We are always open to design custom solutions to fulfil the requirement of your business.

Our vision is to provide genuine and good quality electronic components which is easily accessible to every Electronic Engineer in INDIA as well as all over the world at affordable rate.

ASESA ELECTRONICS PVT. LTD. understands the importance of shortage elimination and that’s why our highly qualified team is always ready to quickly source electronic components from around the world. From the first point of contact, each customer is assigned with a dedicated account manager who handles component sourcing and logistics to ensure that your production lines remain in full production mode.

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